20 minute video of a very well-received  talk I have given 25+ times at different religious congregations about Creating Hope from a Buddhist Perspective.

Five minute video explains the relevance of the Buddhist concept of the ten worlds to our daily life.

A 10 minute introduction to SGI Nichiren Buddhism.

17 minute long talk that explores many facets of modern fatherhood from my personal experience and from a Buddhist perspective.

45 minute video of the one-man play I performed to full houses on Bainbridge Island, WA., Los Angeles, CA. and Northern VA.

A seven-minute video about my wife & my 54 year practice of Nichiren Buddhism.

18 minute video of  the talk I give to high school students about what I wish I had known when I was their age.

13 minute video of a talk about "What is True Happiness" that I gave at the Bainbridge Island Public Library.

Five minute video about Life & Death from a Buddhist Perspective.